American accreditation of studies, from wherever you are

Study a program accredited by the Secretary of State of the United States and endorsed in any Latin American country that is a signatory of the Hague agreement

Depending on the type of program you choose (Guided or Independent), you will be able to have access to the necessary resources to obtain a study accredited and endorsed by the United States Secretary of State.

The student will be inserted into the American study system without having to live in said country. A unique opportunity!

How does the Flexi School program work?

Program options

All options are internationally accredited and endorsed. At the end of each school year, you can request to receive your accreditation and year pass from the United States. These documents come apostilled by the Secretary of State and are widely recognized to be locally approved in any country in Latin America.

FS GUIDED ELEMENTARY          $1.210

FS GUIDED MIDDLE              $1.510

FS GUIDED HIGH                      $1.800

(Study Platform for you to follow the program on your own from wherever you are and according to your family dynamics and lifestyle) An Advisor will be assigned to your family to keep them up to date on school progress. Enabled for Elementary, Middle School, and High School.


FS INDEPENDIENT MIDDLE                    $650

FS INDEPENDIENT HIGH 9                     $760

FS INDEPENDIENT HIGH 10                   $860

FS INDEPENDIENT HIGH 11                   $960

FS INDEPENDIENT HIGH 12                 $1.100